How to Apply
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General Requirements:
- Migrant: Move at least once every twelve months or intend to move for agricultural work purpose
- Agricultural Worker: Work in agriculture, and earn at least fifty percent (50%) of their total gross income from employment in fishing, agriculture or agricultural related employment
- Income: Family’s adjusted monthly income is at or below seventy-five percent (75%) of the state median income; as adjusted for family size
- Eligibility: children between 0 and 12 years of age and up to age 21 if a child has special needs or is disabled
- Need: Parents must be working, seeking employment, incapacitated, homeless and seeking permanent housing or attending vocational training
How to Apply
Complete an application and provide all required documents, which include:
- Copies of your child(ren)‘s birth certificates;
- Immunization card for each child;
- Proof of last 12 months of income;
- Proof of address for the last 12 months.
Downloadable Applications:
Application – English
Application – Spanish
Mail application to:
Community Action Partnership of Kern
Migrant Childcare Alternative Payment Program
5005 Business Park North
Bakersfield, CA 93309
You can also fax your application to:
(661) 396-1746
After receiving a complete application, the application will be processed and a priority number or rank number will be assigned to you. The program will notify you of your status on the waiting list. When your rank number is called, MCAP will schedule an orientation with you. You will be notified by mail or telephone of the date, time and location of your orientation. Applicants on the waiting list are advised to update their application immediately if any changes in telephone number, address, family size and/or income may occur.
NOTE: Being placed on the waiting list does not guarantee placement into the Migrant Childcare Alternative Payment Program.
If you have any questions related to the waiting list, please call 1-800-259-8866.