Migrant Childcare
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The Migrant Childcare Alternative Payment (MCAP) Program provides childcare services to migrant agriculturally working families through six entry counties (Kern, Kings, Madera, Merced, Tulare, and Fresno)- click here for office locations. Giving choice to parents as to what type of childcare, MCAP works thru licensed childcare centers, licensed family childcare homes, license–exempt (TrustLine), license-exempt (Relatives) and in-home providers. Families are admitted in accordance with family income, with the lowest per capita admitted first. Furthermore, to promote the continuity of childcare, a family who migrates throughout the State of California continues to be eligible for services with the MCAP program.
Notice to childcare providers:
March 9, 2023. Notification from the Public Employment Relations Board, To read this notification please CLICK HERE.
January 19, 2023.
Notification from the Public Employment Relations Board, Case No SA-CE-1-N, Childcare Providers United v. State of California. To read this notification please CLICK HERE.
On February 5, 2020, the Childcare Provider Act Petition for Certification was submitted to the California Department of Human Resources as required by the California Public Employment Relations Board (PERB). Click here to read the petition. For further questions, contact
PERB: Felix DeLaTorre, 916-327-8381, felix.delatorre@perb.ca.gov
PERB: James Coffey, 916-327-8383, james.coffey@perb.ca.gov or
CalHR: Executive Office, 916-322-5193.