Friendship House
The Friendship House provides educational and recreational services to children from low-income families, such as afterschool and summer programs, as well as resources for the entire community, food distribution, job training and an outreach center.
Back to (After) School!
Slots are open for this year’s After School Program at Friendship House Community Center. There are a limited number of openings for this wonderful program which provides after school activities, snacks and homework help for students ages 6-18 from 2 to 5 p.m. on school days. Services are provided free of charge.
You can register online here.
The 13,500 square foot facility features a multipurpose building that houses a full sized basketball court, and four classroom buildings for art, computers, and instruction. Outdoor amenities include a basketball court, a community garden, a covered playground, a large quad and a community sports field. Space at the Friendship House is currently available to the community for rent or lease.