Health and Nutrition Services
Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)
The WIC program provides education, breast feeding support and food vouchers for infants, children and women who are pregnant, postpartum or breast feeding.CAPK WIC operates through 22 sites throughout Kern County, 4 locations in San Bernardino County, and one mobile WIC clinic to reach hard-to-serve populations.
East Kern Family Resource Center
East Kern Family Resource Center is a regional service center based in Mojave that assists individuals and families from the desert and Tehachapi Mountain communities, focusing on families with children who are at risk of abuse and neglect, or possibly unprepared to enter kindergarten successfully.
Food Bank
The Food Bank provides food assistance to low-income families and individuals of all
ages and ethnicities. The program operates 105 food pantries and commodity distribution sites throughout Kern County. The Food Bank also offers the BackPack Buddies program at 4 elementary school sites to provide low-income students with discreet bags of nutritious, ready-to-eat food items during school closures.