2-1-1 Kern is a 24/7 information and referral service that provides residents with comprehensive information and links to community health and human services at no cost. The 2-1-1 staff is ready to connect callers to a database of over 1,500 social service resources that are available to the public.
Review our 211 inclusion criteria to learn how your organization can be included in our database.
If you meet the criteria, please complete the 211 Organizational Information Form.
Instructions are available for assistance in filling out our Organizational Information Form.
Please use the Resource Update Questionnaire for Agencies to update an existing partner’s information or services.
The Help Me Grow program is designed to link parents to necessary services for children ages 0-5 who exhibit developmental delays. 211 can link callers to our experts for a developmental screening of fine motor, personal social, communication, and emotional skills.
The Medi-Cal program allows 211 to offer support to callers with health insurance needs. Our program assists the low-income population with Medi-Cal enrollment and also prepares individuals for continuous coverage by offering guidance on renewals for active Medi-Cal participants.
211 determines food and nutritional needs of callers and provides support in applying for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). One phone call can help an eligible Individual or family with gaining access to Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT).
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